Thursday, January 26, 2012

Metaphor in Winter Snow

Rose after snow storm still blooming

Palm fared well

Bird bath frozen for now

Bench in front of the cottage temorarily unuseful

Porch where we sit in summer now with drifting snow

Potager in winter wait

A year and a half fighting cancer with chemotherapy, bilateral mastectomy and radiation, our daughter-in-law was pronounced cancer free according to the CAT scan taken this month.. All who have been praying and even those who haven't are praising God!

About halfway into her treatment, seeing her suffer and our son and grandson's concern, I asked Jesus, "What would it take for Tomoko to be healed?' It was like He said, "How much are you willing to do on your part?" I said, "Whatever it takes, I am willing, Lord."
I only remembered this after I was diagnosed with breast cancer maybe 9 months after that. The diagnosis based on the biopsy and mammogram showed it to be similar to what our daughter-in-law was initially diagnosed with. Trusting God's sovereignty,I had peace. Nothing happens without His knowledge. Are we willing to be with the suffering, take on suffering, take up the burden for others, to walk with them in the valleys? Are we willing to become like those we pray for? If this is the only way and God calls us why not?

Jesus became human to dwell among us, suffering all things in our behalf so that we, tainted as we are, might be set free and finally be able to connect to a Holy God. Might He call us to do the same, dwell and suffer with others, wait in the winter wait in love, so they might be set free?

It may seem like a huge winter storm in your life where everything is put on hold for a while, but hope comes in the morning and we look at life in a new way.
"Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope you have." I Peter 3:15

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