Saturday, March 24, 2012

Once Deleted, Can't Undo

My new Ipad and deleted notes

I finally gave in to buying an Ipad. With so much travel, wishing to have my information available anywhere, my diminished eyesight and less nimble fingers (for typing) on the Droid phone, it seemed right. I immediately made use of the note app already installed on the IPad. Gathering all the scraps of paper with scribbled lists on them I entered them into Notes and threw away the scraps. How freeing, or so I thought.

As I proudly completed items on the list in Notes, backspacing to delete the items checked off, I was elated. But today, when I highlighted  an item on the list to delete and pressed delete, it deleted everything. I spent the evening trying to figure out a solution, to undo what I did but nothing worked. Gone forever.

This seems to be a theme this week. Perhaps I just need to clear the slate and start over in the scheme of things not so important. We are doing this in the long border, neglected for quite awhile, deleting the overgrown, weeds, invasives and moving temporarily what is movable. I definately don't want to "undo", bring back, what I have deleted here.
Pruned Cornus sanguineum "midwinter fire" (Red Twig Dogwood)

Devastating deletion of a just beginning human life cannot ever be undone. It leaves a dark void scar that does not heal. The creatures and plants were put on earth for us humans to manage, care for and love. Humans, the only creatures with free will to care deeply or delete, are commanded to not kill humans.
"Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." John 13:34-35
The greatest love of all is sacrifice for one another when inconvenient, embarassing or undesired.
 These related links came into my inbox this week:

2. Video showing life from conception to birth .

The sanctity of human life once deleted can never be undone. The freeing that you desire will be only external yet a huge hole left inside.

The only way to fill the void:
"I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly." Jesus John 10:10
"I am the way, the Truth* and the life, he who follows me will not walk in darkness but have the light of life."John 14:6
"You shall know the truth* and the truth will set you free." John 8:32
"I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life." Jesus, John 8:12
Ask Jesus to fill your void of darkness. He is the only one who can undo the void and bring light.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Sun loving echeverias

 Echeverias in the summer/fall garden

Echeveria with flower spikes lasts the season

 Echeverias brought in to the sun room                           Attempting to root upturned rosette heads
Bought at the Northwest Flower and Garden Show, Echeveria hybrid "Perle Von  Nurnberg", many years ago, they are one of my favorite plants, growing surprise babies under their leaves and even reproducing from stems.  Originally from Mexico, these succulants seem to love our garden and keep their "leaves" for years if protected from frost. They are placed in the sunroom in late fall for this reason where we have a back up heater.
We didn't attend the NW Flower and Garden Show Seattle this month. I had hoped to pick up more of these wonder plants if the booth was still there. But much like the echeveria, we headed instead to warmer climes ... in Florida.

"Sing for joy, O heavens, for the Lord has done this; shout aloud, O earth beneath. Burst into song you mountains, you forests and all your trees (and echeverias).. He displays His glory. Isaiah 44:23