Tuesday, October 25, 2011

September 11 remembered

Classes at the potting shed, Great Dixter in England 9-11-01 right before we heard

9/10/01 Christopher Lloyd teaching us to not be "subtle"

I remember the morning after 9/11 in England visiting Beth Chatto in her garden. She was quite concerned over our welfare and county and I replied truthfully, "We couldn't be in a better place in times of distress, if not with family, then in your garden,"

 As I place our tomatoes to ripen on our window sill, I remember these at Great Dixter..

We were there for an "in the garden week long seminar" through Horticulture Magazine. I thought this might be a way for my husband and I to get on the same page as far as a common understanding of gardening. Ten years later, we now both garden in harmony. As we wonder about the winds of change in our country, we still know that the very best place to be and to commune with our maker is in the garden. May you find solace there as well, or here from these pages.

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