Here's the bleating fawn in the daytime
Every morning, for three days, a different creature woke me up. First a fawn bleating outside our open bedroom window, the next day the familiar tree frog, and the third day a spotted towee. God's alarm clock through His creatures to wake me up at my usual time to pray, read His word and seek His face. Otherwise I would have slept in since I was on pain meds due to the hip injury from falling on the stone floor a few weeks ago.
I start the day by climbing the loft ladder, stepping the good leg first, the left injured one moved by grasping the railing in order to drag the injured leg where the first settled, hoping it is sturdy and so on to the top. I start every day there praying to our Lord, interceding for others, asking for guidance for the day and strength and wisdom to do His work. "The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust..." Psalm 18:2 NKJV
This week's guidance:
The writing loft needed an overhaul, getting everything irrelevant to the book out and bringing in supplies and relevant reference books. Instead of writing, this week, hard to do with a fuzzy head from pain meds, I researched new marketing methods to replace the marketing section in the 15 year old proposal.
It looks like this blog could be my best platform if I get more of you involved. Not sure how.
Megatrends 2000 shows a rise in "The Power of Spirituality" "The surest route to self-mastery is spiritual practice. Time spent in peaceful reflection or mindful meditation clarifies thought, sharpens intuition and curbs unhealthy instincts. Spirituality, it turns out, is a lot more practical than most of us ever thought." This is how I write.
Social media the new way of marketing I joined facebook awhile ago.
Pondering twitter for weeks, I didn't want it to run my life. Today I ran into an island friend that I haven't seen and talked to for years yet he told me he has used it for three years and has thousands of followers. He had his IPhone with him and demonstrated to me how he uses Twitter on it. He mentioned I can download a program so I can see all categories, twitterfriends, twitter othercategories, facebook on one site. He will tweet me around to his contacts if I let him know when I get on. I'll let you know as well.
Sometimes I feel like I am stepping out into thin air and will again crash onto stone. One note that I stuck above my desk quite awhile ago, states, "There is nothing indeed which God will not do for a man who dares to step out upon what seems to be the mist; although as he puts down his foot he finds a rock beneath him." F.B Meyer
Better my foot on a rock than my hip on a rock.
Lord, You are my rock. Help me get everything personally irrelevant to your calling out of my life so I can focus fully and stand firm on what you have created me to do.
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