Sunday, September 13, 2009


A tree frog arrived at our door

There are always obstacles and annoyances, especially when on this mission of writing a book proposal. Yet, the more interruptions, the more encouragement I have. If it were not important to do this, the path would be smooth. Yet, on this rocky winding garden path, God, rich in kindness, meets me at every turn. Psalm 59:10
The last few weeks we picked pears and berries from our garden and set them on the counter. The annoying fruit flies came with them. A cousin of mine suggested the microwave to trap them and zap them, but we don't have one. I put the fruit in the refrigerator and off handed asked God to help me get rid of the annoying pests. The next day a tree frog, specializing in fruit flies, showed up at the sliding glass front door, spending half the day looking in, God's sense of humor. Now I see encouragement, as the frog pointed out, to write the devotional not just about birds but about the rest of the creatures in the garden. Perhaps the new title under consideration,"I Come to the Garden"

The next day in rushing to catch an early ferry for a dentist appointment,errands, and spend a few days sitting grandson Dylan, my packed computer was left behind. I let go of spending any free time working on the book, so we went to a movie instead, since they didn't expect us in Seattle until evening. We went to see "Julie and Julia" since 9 months ago I bought Julia Child's volume on Mastering the Art of French Cooking for our chef son, and was bringing it to him for his birthday. In the movie, much to my surprise, Julie started blogging about working her way through a year of trying all Julia's recipes from this very book. I was taken back that she blogged partly because she wanted to see if she could finish something... one of the very reasons I started blogging.
By the way, in God's rich kindness, we also had a wonderful free time with our grandson.
"And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need,you will abound in every good work." 2 Corinthians 9:8

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