Rosa Eden or Pierre de Ronsard
We bought "Eden" about 10 years ago, placing it in the new long border. According to Wikpedia "The cultivar was created by Marie-Louise Meilland and introduced in France by Meilland International in 1985."
Placed at the back of the border rather than front, it soon became engulfed and neglected. It managed to struggle until we decided to take out much of the border due to bindweed infestation. Pruned back, fertilized and watered well, it is recovering.
Aren't we always trying to recover Eden in the garden and in our lives? We want the perfect place without weeds, rot, or constant struggle. We desire the beauty yet balance in diversity and a place of optimum conditions for purposeful growth. We need to find a door that will set us free from the weeds and rot of life so we can live fully.
"I am the door. If anyone enters by Me; he will be saved, and will go in and out and find pasture. The thief does not come except to steal and to kill, and to destroy (gardens and us). I have come that you might have life more abundantly," John 10:9-10 Jesus