Sometimes Our Worst Enemy is Ourselves
“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.” I Corinthians 13:12 NIV
Robin looking for worms
“Why is that robin pecking on our window? Asked my daughter-in-law when we went to care for our grandson with a newly broken leg. “He won’t go away.”
“They often do this in nesting season,” I suggested, “It sees the reflection of itself and thinks it is a competitor.” So when the robin started to peck again, I pulled the shades to cut off the bird-side reflection.
The next day, as I was playing with our grandson in the living room, two robins, one chasing the other, crashed into the window as we stood there with mouths open. The robins both managed to recover enough to fly high into the firs. Probably slowed down like our grandson. We watched as breast feathers floated to the ground below.
I don’t think they will come back to that window again. Here is how I
stop birds crashing into our windows with "designer" vertical lines.
Here are some problems and how I stop myself from crashing:
- My attitudes and thoughts can send me crashing. Examine my thoughts and attitudes
- I can look at someone else and project my problems onto them. Realize they are holding a mirror to up to me.
- I often want to protect myself like the robin rather than be vulnerable as I should. Keep my eyes on Jesus, however dim, and my vulnerability and need for protection will diminish ("the things of this earth will grow strangely dim") and I can see myself as I truly am and receive grace.
How are you your own worst enemy?
What are you projecting on others that actually is a reflection of yourself?
Can you come face to face with Jesus for help?
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