Sunday, March 21, 2010

Three questions when considering time and effort

Rock wall built this week using found field stone, old pump and older stone trough

How many times must I replant the peas? Every day for the last few weeks, as I checked out the garden in the morning I found the peas uprooted, what was left of the pea seed eaten and leaves cut off. So I replant the remains...every day.


Last year it was the mink, the sightings and the footprint size betrayed it. This year with a closed cage made out of wire fencing curved to fit across the row there are no footprints. The peas are still dug up and cut off. I shout, in frustration, “Peas Please!"*


While I seemingly waste my time, my husband has planned and hired Dave, Stonebridge Masonry, to build another garden rock wall. He finished it last week, adding beauty and structure to the garden. It will last long after we are gone not like the peas that don’t even last a day’s growth .

Consider these questions regarding time and effort in your life as well:

  1. Does what I do have any lasting value?
  2. What can I give up so that my time will be spent for something more lasting?
  3. Are frustrations because I am doing the wrong thing or because I am doing the thing wrong?

Give me your thoughts. I will post another blog this week on one of these questions.


*John 16:33 “These things I have spoken to you that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” NKJ



BGgarden said...

I love your blog! Here's too a productive spring. See you in the Garden World!

BGgarden NEW Garden Blog

Angel Bryant said...

Thank you for stopping by. May your spring be fruitful as well.
Great to see Chicago Garden Show through your eyes on your blog.

Kay said...

These are thoughts I have had this week in the midst of my busy days. Does what I do have lasting value? I love the pictures of spring and your words. They give me a call "upward".