Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pressed down

Apples chopped, pressed and overflowing

This week I have felt scattered, chopped up and pressed down. I've taken on too much and have to let some things go. Tasks have piled up like the apples in the bucket. My life is chopped up into too many pieces and I feel the pressure. I don't want interruptions in my life, yet, You, Lord want me to be available, to give according to your timing. Come to think of it, the cider pressing we attended last Sunday reminds me of my life right now, under pressure. I just hope that something good and sweet, like the fresh cider, overflows in my life, "a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into (my) your lap" as a result of all that pressing. Luke 6:38
Check out the video angelambryant cider pressing.

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