Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Hellebore “Lenten Rose” blooms every year around Easter

Lent and time for the Spirit's leading us to repent
My Hellebore reminder.
(not that I confess only seasonally)

I'm not one to follow lent in terms of giving up things I might love. I believe in doing this occasionally when I am called to pray and fast for deeper prayer connection with God and to intercede  for others to receive the peace and wisdom needed in difficult situations .  

But I do believe in preparation for Easter.  It is not just a day filled with flowers and family and food, although these are still important. Preparation enhances the reality of what Jesus did for us so we can celebrate new life in an even greater way, not just in the Spring garden.

 I could not find the potted Hellebore in the garden yesterday. It was a mystery, but I got involved in making a St Patrick’s Day dinner of corned beef and cabbage and forgot about it and listened to Celtic songs “You Raise Me Up” (fast forward video to 2 minutes)
 I sing this as a prayer to God.

This morning after praying for what I should write, the image of a half-dead hellebore in a dark car trunk popped into my head. I forgot! Four days ago I put it in the back of the minivan to bring it to church. It was used as an altar flower during lent in previous years, and I brought it just in case someone forgot to tell me they needed flowers.  But I was the one who forgot, and found it in the back of the minivan on its side.

My husband mentioned that he heard something rolling around, but didn't pay attention to what it was. I had not used the car since Sunday.
Hellebore message

As I pray for wisdom for myself and you, a message seems clear: often things happen so we might look at ourselves more clearly. We can blame someone else for the bigger problems or we can distract ourselves so we don’t think about it, but the sight of the Hellebore lying on its side, dirt scattered about, broken leaves and blossoms gives a message about the reality of what is not right in our lives. 

  • ·     Whether you believe in sin or not, God wants us to see our lives as He does. “All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” Romans 3:23
  • ·     Realize the chasm between us and God. Romans 1:18-32
  •    "The path to healing requires repentance, and repentance requires conviction of sin, and conviction of sin requires clear exposition of the Word of God, even when it is uncomfortable.” John Piper p. 44 World Jan 23, 2014
  •  "From that time on Jesus began to preach, ‘Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.’” Matthew 4:17  
  •  “I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” Jesus, John 10:10
  •  “Receive the Holy Spirit, repent and be baptized.” Acts 2:31-38
  •  “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in…” Jesus Revelation 3:20

How might you prepare for Easter? May you sense the Holy Spirit's leading.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Meyer Lemon Tree

A year ago February at the NW Flower and Garden Show in Seattle, we bought a Meyer Lemon tree.
When our daughter lived in California, they had one in their back yard, we admired it and thought we would try one for ourselves.

Meyer Lemon in a pot with fruit
So we bought and brought home the almost two foot tall blossom filled plant with hopes of it bearing fruit. I hand pollinated it with a brush over the open white flowers and kept it inside our sun room until all danger of frost passed and put it outside in the sun through the summer and fall. Fruit was slowly developing and I kept asking my daughter if it was ready yet. She said that it should be orange-yellow. So yesterday, I went to pick the fruit and it fell into my hands upon touch.

Meyer Lemon Tart with garnish of Lemon Verbena leaves
Today I found a great recipe that used the three lemons. It was just ripe in time for a Memorial and potluck dessert for Howard, a wonderful and missed member of our Shaw Island Fellowship and community.  So hopefully the tree will continue to flower and bear and I will remember Howard each year when it does and also be thankful for our daughter's introduction to the fresh winter fruit.

May we all bear fruit such as Howard did.
"May you be filled with the knowledge of His will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God..." Colossians 1:9-10