1. Encouragement can sometimes come vicariously from other's positive care in tough times.
UMC memorial in front of Hospital entrance when I arrived to help my hospitalized brother.
2. When seemingly frozen in time, awaiting tests, decisions, options, risks, answers, may you understand God's timing is always perfect no matter how "hobbled, hackled and hogtied, short-leashed" you may feel. Remember that the tubes, that arrest you, increase your risks of survival.
Fozen fountain at Four Point Sheraton airport Tuscon
3. Never undersestimate the value of friends to love and encourage. Who would believe the value of a post on facebook to reconnect?
A needed breath of fresh air from friends, who discovered my Tuscon arrival on facebook
4. A chance to heal the wounds of an earlier related stress through present circumstances (the same hospital in which my other brother died).
Waiting room aquarium outside the ICU UMC Tuscon
Brother Wally made it through major heart surgery, Dr Smith making his heart new.
"Create in me a pure heart O God, and give me a new and steadfast spirit. Do not drive me from thy presence or take thy Holy Spirit from me, renew in me the joy of thy deliverance and grant me a willing spirit to uphold me." Psalm 51:10-12
You, God, are Jehova Rapha, the healer of all wounds to the heart, lies we have believed about ourselves, circumstances that keep us from seeing You, and all disease which prevents our connection with You.
How does your heart need reviving? Just ask Jehova Rapha and receive help.
"Create in me a pure heart O God, and give me a new and steadfast spirit. Do not drive me from thy presence or take thy Holy Spirit from me, renew in me the joy of thy deliverance and grant me a willing spirit to uphold me." Psalm 51:10-12
You, God, are Jehova Rapha, the healer of all wounds to the heart, lies we have believed about ourselves, circumstances that keep us from seeing You, and all disease which prevents our connection with You.
How does your heart need reviving? Just ask Jehova Rapha and receive help.