Saturday, August 14, 2010

Thoughts of the last two weeks in July

Time has stepped up its pace. Not only does there seem to be an axis change, but a time change. I know the clocks don't get it, but then they are adjusted by man not any other external source..I know the sun and stars are still on track or we would notice.

Perhaps there is just a time when everything seems so much faster so that we have to stop, "get it", evaluate our time and let other things go to create more bare space. Only then do more pleasant surprises appear. Here are several.

1. Two weekends in a row the end of July, two separate delightful families with Rafiki Foundation Inc came to visit and speak at our home and at our church. Called by God to work with orphans in Africa, they followed, left behind all and were greatly blessed as were we to have them in our home. We are privileged to help support them.

Anderson family finishing term with Rafiki in Uganda

Pederson family on furlough from Rafiki Village Nigeria

2. God is not far. He knows the business or times of our days and wakes me up when the day is fullest with his raven alarm clock outside my window...three sets of auk auk auk and two of auk auk. I thank God for the raven. God knew that I needed to seek Him first before the day of debut, when I was asked to sing a song on stage with Doug before a crowd. I asked for God to be evident in what I did by His power and grace,serving some purpose as did the morning raven song. I believe God used me to help Doug grieve his wife's death through this song.

Autumn Leaves

3. Two grandsons, cousins, came for a whole week to visit without parents -a wonderful time with many memories for all.

Grandson cousins on our boat going crabbing

If we hadn't stopped what we were doing and created space in our lives, see what we would have missed.
What in your life can you stop and change so God has a chance to speak to or through you and bless your life?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Serendipity in the bare space

In the space where a dead Kittsgate rose bush lay, teasel flew in.
How many things come into your life unexpected? A new experience, a new vision or a new outlook changes your mood, vision, future or just encourages you.  It often takes a bare space in your life before unexpected changes happen.
I have cleared a lot out of my life, including the writing loft where I don't seem to write. I even stopped the blog for a month as I reevaluated my life and priorities. In cleaning up the loft, a paper came to the surface, husband Neil's list for  remodelling our guest house in 2006. At the top of the list was "grow some teasel," surfacing just after I noticed the weed that had been growing outside all winter was indeed teasel.
God who knows the desires of our hearts, fills in the blank spots in our lives as we turn to Him.
This week I hope to catch you up on some of the serendipitous events of this last month.  This is just a tease -l.
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